Senin, 08 Desember 2008

Raw Honey An Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Fungal Substance

The health benefits of honey - like all foods - depend on the quality of the honey. The best way to get health benefit from honey is by consuming raw honey. Raw honey is pure unprocessed honey that is taken immediately from the bee hive.

There are various benefit that you can get from raw honey. In addition, the processing of honey often removes many of the phytonutrients found in raw honey as it exists in the hive.

Raw honey, for example, contains small amounts of the same resins found in propolis. Propolis is actually a complex mixture of resins and other substances that honeybees use to seal the hive and make it safe from bacteria and other micro-organisms.

The resins found in propolis only represent a small part of the phytonutrients found in propolis and honey, however. Other phytonutrients found both in raw honey and propolis have been shown to possess cancer-preventing and anti-tumor properties.

Raw honey also contains small amounts of bee pollen and royal jelly. The pollen that collected on the bees' legs as they move from plant to plant is only as healthful and as diverse as those plants.

Rabu, 12 November 2008

A Visit To Our Bee Farm

This afternoon, I went to Sukabumi, West Java, to visit our bee farm. Have you ever been to bee farm? We have 300 boxes of bee colony. One box consists of 40-60 bees. So we have around 12.000-18.000 bees! :) To tell you the truth, at the beginning, I was a little bit afraid of the bee sting. But apparently the bees was nice enough that they didn't fly around and just stick together in their comb.

The bee farm is located near by corn plantation. In rainy season, not many plants produce flower, except corn. Bees hardly get nectar and pollen as their food from flowers in this season. That's why we move the colony from Central Java, where they usually collect nectar and pollen from "kapok" plantation to Sukabumi, where the bees can get abundance source of pollen from corn plantation.

When my father showed me the life of bees, I found it amazing. One colony consists of 40-60 bees and they only have one queen whose job is laying eggs for the rest of her life. An ordinary worker bee can only life for about 30-40 days. But queen bee can survive 2-4 years! Each bee has specific job description and they will do the same job for the rest of their life.. (Hmm that reminds me of the film "Bee Movies")

A queen bee eats royal jelly for the rest of her life. Actually ordinary bees also eat royal jelly, but they only get it in their first 3 days of life. The rest of their life they will eat honey and pollen. Can you see how powerful royal jelly is?

Selasa, 11 November 2008

How to Eat Bee Pollen

Before we address the question of how to eat bee pollen, it is best to understand what bee pollen is and where it is derived from. Bee pollen is the pollen that worker bees collect as they fly from flower to flower blossom. The bees collect the pollen on their bodies and on their hind legs. It has been known to contain bee saliva as well as nectar from the flower blossoms that they have visited.

Scientifically designed traps that are placed in the entrance of the hive then collect the bee pollen. The trap gently brushes the pollen from the bees as they pass through to enter into the hive. These traps do not brush all the pollen from the bees as the colony in the hive are very dependent on the pollen that worker bees bring back in order to survive. Good, now we have some basic knowledge before we go on to answer the how to eat bee pollen questions.

Can You Explain How to Eat Bee Pollen and Bee Pollen Products?

There are many different theories and instruction on how to eat bee pollen. This is because there are many different products and dosages available. The reasons for beginning and maintaining a bee pollen therapy regime are different for each person.

Some people learn how to eat bee pollen because they have heard it is a weight loss tool. And it is! Bee pollen serves as a natural dietary in that it provides the feeling of fullness after a meal. This is believed to be caused by the body receiving it’s proper vitamins and nutrients providing a sense of balance and causing the body to not feel hunger urges. Bee pollen also promotes fat burning metabolism and therefore aids in the burning of useless fats.

Can You Tell Me How to Eat Bee Pollen With Bee Pollen Allergies?

Regrettably there is no set way on how to eat bee pollen if you suffer from a bee pollen allergy. This is because all bee pollen products naturally contain bee pollen and can cause severe reactions is such individual.

Honey in Children Nutrition

The earliest information on using honey in children nutrition is dated to about 9 century BC. Ancient Germanic and Greek people gave milk combined with honey and melted butter. They put a few drops of honey into the mouth of a newborn before the mother began to nurse it. Modern paediatric literature corroborates the old medicinal method practised by ancient peoples and recommends to use honey in babies nutrition. Honey can be added to artificial woman's milk for feeding premature babies and also babies who are ill with jaundice and hypochromic anemia.

Honey is used for curing infections, constipation, nausea etc. Honey facilitates protein and lipid assimilation and makes casein precipitate in the form of small flocs, due to what babies stomach empties of the products within a minimal space of time. Child's organism needs high-calorie foods, because of its growth and agility. It is well-known that children are fond of sweet dainties- intuitive tendency to compensate the loss of energy. Honey, rich in calories and vitamins, is valuable for a young organism harmonic development and health maintenance.

Honey facilitates potassium and magnesium assimilation. Dark sorts of honey increase haemoglobin amount in blood, improve appetite and make children feel well. Honey fructose is metabolised better that milk lactose. Some babies can't metabolised saccharose, but honey is wonderfully assimilated, as its sugar doesn't need to be metabolised by the organism. Honey has laxative properties. Digestive systems of the children who are fed on honey works wonderfully, children have good appetite. Honey eases the appearance of teeth.

Many authors note honey antianemic properties especially honey of dark color, that leads to increase in haemoglobin in blood, to improving appetite and to gaining weight. Some sorts of fragrant honey have sedative effect on nervous children who fall asleep soon after they take some honey.
S. Mladenov refers to doctor's Tsais from Geidelberg words: "I've given bee honey to my children since their birth and they've never fallen ill".

N. P. Noirish, who observed 230 children aged 7-15 became sure of honey healthful influence on children's health. In his opinion children should be given 1-2 spoonfuls daily. The best way to give honey is to mix 15 gram of it with a glass of warm milk, that is very effective for curing constipation, anemia, night incontinence. It is advisable to mix honey into cottage cheese, porridges, drinks, herbs decoctions and infusions. Drinks have a pleasant taste, they are better metabolised, and their medicinal effect is higher.

M Frenkel advises to give small children a folk medicine against cough (especially against whooping-cough): a part of honey and a part of warm olive oil. A tea-spoonful of the mixture should be given several times a day.

E.A Ludyansky recommends to give children with various neurotic disorders honey baths (12-15 baths daily or every other day). The course can be repeated in 4-5 months. Supporting baths once a week can be prescribed. Honey baths can be combined with coniferous and sage baths. Contraindications for honey baths are honey intolerance, cardiovascular and pulmonary deficiency, blood diseases, diabetes, tumours.

K.A. Kuzmina recommends to include honey into the diet of children, ill with scrofula. She considers that honey helps them to recover, in contrast to the opinion that honey isn't advisable to eat during this disease. Exceptions are for children who have hypersensitiveness to honey. She says the same about children who suffer from diathesis. Honey is not contraindicated if there is no idiosyncrasy to it. ( that is intolerance, allergic reaction- the editor's remark). In order to determine hypersensitiveness to honey, it is necessary to give a child a small amount of it (half a teaspoonful) first. If there is no diathesis, rash, skin eruption or other symptoms of idiosyncrasy then you can give a spoonful of honey a day.

But one must see to it not to give a child too much honey as honey in large amounts can cause disgust.

Article source :

Senin, 10 November 2008

Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen - How They Benefit Your Health

Royal jelly and bee pollen are two of the many natural products from bees which work side by side in providing wonderful health benefits for humans. These natural foods nourish and revitalize one's body making it one of the most favorite food supplements of all time. Believe it or not, these super foods are said to be very effective in providing so many health benefits to the point that they can provide you with a longer and more enjoyable life.

What is royal jelly and bee pollen anyway?

Royal jelly is a complex chemical structure produced by the young nurse bees as larva food. The larvae eat the royal jelly as their only food for two to three days during their maturation stage. When a queen larva is born, she starts to eat the royal jelly for the rest of her life. It's her only food and nothing else is fed to her other than royal jelly even when she becomes the colony's queen someday. The ordinary worker bee larvae reach their maximum development after the three days feeding period. Their original weight is increased by 250 times more. The queen larva reaches her maturity five days earlier compared to the worker bees and her weight is doubled that of a working bee.

One noticeable difference between the queen and the worker bees is their average life span. The worker bee's life only lasts about 35 to 40 days maximum, while the queen fed only with royal jelly her entire life lives five to six long years. This proves that royal jelly can bring humans longer lifespan. Royal jelly contains various B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, some traces of amino acids, simple sugars, fatty acids, minerals, enzymes, as well as some antibacterial and antibiotic components.

Royal jelly also contains the important acetylcholine, a compound needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Too little of this compound makes individuals prone to Alzheimer's disease. The growth of glial cells and neural stem cells in the brain are stimulated by royal jelly. This positive attribute proves to be very beneficial for cases of Parkinson's disease. Royal jelly is also known for prolonging youthfulness, improving the skin beauty, increasing energy, alleviating anxiety, sleeplessness, moodiness, memory loss, and bolstering the immune system.

Collected pollens that are mixed with honey and other enzymes from the honeybees' bodies are called bee pollens. This type of pollen contains a rich source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids. The pollen also contains hormones, enzymes and fats, as well as significant quantities of natural antibiotics, antihistamine, and rich antioxidant properties.

The pollen from the bee not only increases energy levels of the body, but also rejuvenates the body. The pollen also corrects the deficient or unbalanced nutrition caused by present day lifestyles, as well as stimulates various organs and glands, aiding recovery from chronic illness, adding weight during recuperation, aiding in weight loss by reducing cravings, reducing addictions, even from smoking and drinking, building new blood, preventing infectious diseases, providing protection against radiation, as well as providing preventive measures against cancer, enhances vitality, thus providing man with a longer life span.

As you can see, royal jelly and bee pollen health benefits are very much needed especially at present times' given health risks due to the environment's heavy pollution. There are some bee products available in some health food shops that are already combined with royal jelly. By consuming the food supplement with the proper combination of bee pollen and royal jelly, you will be able to enjoy a healthier and longer life.

Micheal Thomas is an editor for a series of health related websites. Learn about the best bee pollen supplement that we ourselves use daily after extensive product comparisons and research over at

Royal Jelly And Cardiovascular Disease

Royal jelly is helping to prevent cardiovascular disease. Those that are looking for a natural product to consume that will aid in benefiting their health should take a good look at royal jelly and what it can do for the individual. Learning what royal jelly extract is will help you to see that it has many health benefits including cardiovascular benefits. Royal jelly and skin disorders are also linked as is the benefits of anti aging, depression and even improving the sexual performance problems you may be facing. Why is such a natural product so good at helping to fight off these conditions? It is what is in royal jelly that makes it so very good for you.

What Is Royal Jelly Extract?

Learning what royal jelly extract is will help you to see just how it can benefit our health. Royal jelly is a substance that is found within the bodies of the standard worker bee. When bee larva is produced, the larvae will consume this substance for just a short time. But, when there is a need to produce a new queen bee, she will continue to consume royal jelly for an extended period of time. She is larger, fertile and lives a longer life in comparison to that of the standard worker bee. Therefore, many humans have taken note of this near miracle product to be used within our own lives for health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Royal Jelly

So, the question is then, what are the health benefits of royal jelly? There are many benefits that this product has but we will focus on the cardiovascular system for a moment. Royal jelly has many benefits to it because it is loaded with various nutrients that are very important to your health. Things like proteins, B complex vitamins, zinc, iron, Vitamins A, C, D and E are all found in royal jelly. As for the cardiovascular system, your body needs many of these nutrients along with manganese, amino acids and niacin, also included in royal jelly to function normally.

In addition to this, the health benefits of royal jelly extend even farther into the cardiovascular system. These vitamins and minerals that are found within royal jelly are also helpful in taming free radicals. Free radicals are substances within your body that clog your arteries and really hold down your health. Your body can naturally get rid of these things but only with the help of amino acids and other nutrients. Free radicals can lead to heart disease, cancers and other health problems that many of us face on a daily basis. Yet, royal jelly is packed with the necessary nutrients to keep free radicals out of our system and therefore can enhance our likelihood of fighting off conditions such as cardiovascular disease.

The health benefits of royal jelly are many. Mainly, the fact is that royal jelly has many of the nutrients that our bodies already need to do their job in preventing disease. By providing these nutrients to your body, you allow it to do its job successfully. Although all of the facts about royal jelly are not in and there is much research to be done to learn more about how, why and if royal jelly really can aid the body in health benefits like these, many people use and believe that it is possible.

While following an interest in alternative therapies, Joan became aware of the many health benefits of Royal Jelly. To find out more about this amazing product; its benefits, side effects, research and composition visit her informative website at

Royal Jelly

Is the food of the queens-originally for the queen bees but also beneficial for both women and men. Queen bees are made, not born, and their feeding with royal jelly is the key to that process. Without this special food, queen bees would fail to develop properly.

Royal jelly is an extremely nutritious, thick, milky-white creamy liquid secreted by the hypopharryngeal glands of the nurse bees. Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly and it accounts for their incredible size, fertility, and longevity.

Queen bees are born from the exact same eggs as worker bees. The only difference is they are fed exclusively royal jelly. They are on average 42% larger than worker bees and perhaps most amazing, the queen bee lives 40-50 times longer than worker bees while producing more than 2-1/2 times her own body weight of eggs each and every day. This extraordinary reproductive fertility, energy, size, and longevity of the queen bee is symbolic of dramatically improved endocrine health.

Royal jelly produces an age-retarding, longevity enhancing effect. It helps maintain health, beauty, and youth; helps normalize body functions; protects against infections; increases resistance to diseases; and increases endurance and energy levels. It is antibacterial and anti-viral, particularly against streptococcus, E-coli, and staphylococcus. Royal jelly accelerates the formation of bone tissue and helps heal wounds in half the time.

Like bee pollen, it is a rich treasure chest of nutrients and energy. It is 12-13% protein, 12-15% carbohydrates, 5-6% beneficial lipids, including the important fatty acids, and contains the full spectrum of vitamins. Royal jelly is high in the B vitamin pantothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. It supplies the minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, and sulfur. Royal jelly contains sterols, phosphorous compounds, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. Too little of this compound makes individuals prone to various nerve disorders including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Royal jelly is high in amino acids which are necessary for human and animal life. It contains at least 17 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids, plus 5 unidentified related compounds. Aspartic acid is a major amino acid-necessary for tissue growth and building-at 16.1% of the royal jelly protein content. It contains the amino add gamma globulin, which helps your immune system help fight off infections. Half the total fatty acid content is 10-hydroxy-2-decanoic acid (10-HDA) which is involved in growth, regulation, and immunity. 10-HDA comprises 2-15% of total weight of whole royal jelly. Royal jelly also contains pheromones and numerous other identified and unidentified substances.

Royal jelly is rich in the important nucleic acids RNA and DNA, which produce many benefits throughout your body. Gelatin, another significant component, is the primary precursor of collagen or connective tissue. Collagen is an anti-aging element that keeps your skin looking smooth and youthful, helps your muscles and bones function properly, and supports your. organs and glands.

Research indicates the following :


  • Increases the life span of insects and mammals by 30-200%
  • Hens doubled their laying. Old hens started laying again. Older roosters became reproductive again
  • Women became fertile after menopause
  • Impotent men became potent again
  • Rejuvenates the cells by providing factors the system lacks, and those using it developed a greater feeling of well being
  • People reported it prolonged life and restored health, vigor, and reproductive functions
  • Tones and strengthens your skin
  • Alleviates anxiety and moodiness
  • Strengthens and stimulates your immune system
  • Contains a complex compound that acts as a glandular secretion that stimulates glands and helps normalize the reproductive systems of both women and men because it acts as a natural hormone precursor
  • US Food and Drug Administration research shows it is bactericidal including killing microbes like staphylococcus aureus, bacilli coli, eberthella typhosa (Rawlins strain), bacilus mettiens, etc
  • Stimulates growth of newborn children, especially those born prematurely or with hypotrophy
  • Beneficial for a arteriosclerosis and atherosderosis
  • Regenerates bone growth
  • Anabolic effect on tissue production and growth
  • Helps wounds heal, benefits inflamed bladders, and gradually decreases pains
  • Increases the number of red blood cells and immune cells
  • Accelerates healing of inflammatory processes
  • May produce an anti-cancer effect
  • Has a liver protective effect

Other therapeutic claims include:

  • Increases appetite
  • Increases vigor and physical strength
  • Relieves weak and tired eyes
  • Helps women during critical periods of life such as pregnancy and menopause
  • Rejuvenates the aged
  • Diminishes fatigue
  • Relieves and often eliminates pain of arthritis
  • Strengthens power of memory
  • Restores reproductive energy
  • Regenerates debilitated organs
  • Helps nervous and vascular problems such as Parkinson's disease
  • Reactivates glands and helps glandular disorders
  • Benefits nervous disorders such as cerebral neuritis and nervous debility
  • Benefits diabetes, asthma, sterility in women, impotence in men, and chronic degenerative diseases

Royal jelly is available alone as a pure jelly-like substance that should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. It is also available in honey, which acts as a natural preservative, or freeze-dried (lyophilized) and available in capsules, tablets, chewables, as well as combined with other natural substances such as other bee products. It is available as a liquid, often again mixed with honey. It is also used in cosmetic and skin care products, and is available in creams, salves, ointments, and other products.


Barker, S. Nature, 183:199. 1959.

Hoyt, M. The World of Bees. Bonanza Books, New York. 1965.

Morko, P. Nature, 202:188. 1964.

Royal Jelly from Honeybees Improves Your Immune System

Honeybees are well known for providing nectar that is collected from the sweet-smelling flowers. There are many products that are widely produced from the extracts of nectar. Royal jelly is one of them. Royal jelly has been used by the Egyptians since ages to maintain a healthy skin tone and to look young forever.

Royal jelly is actually a milky substance that is a blend of honey and bee pollen having enzymes produced by the nurse bees through their salivary glands. Apart from these ingredients there are still many more contents such as lipids, hydroxytransdecenoic acid, vitamins, minerals of iron and potassium etc. It is available in different forms such as capsule, herbal preparations, and used for various skin diseases. It plays a powerful role in healing skin ailments and boosts the immune system in the body.

There are a number of health benefits derived from this product such as a) The cholesterol level is reduced b) The reproductive system is stimulated and helps in smooth fertilization. It is also known as a ‘natural hormone replacement therapy’. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by protecting the diabetic patients from severe wounds. It has vasodilatation properties and therefore it reduces the varicose veins in the body.

This milky substance has proved to be a highly nutritious product that has helped over the years to sort out various illnesses without causing any side effects.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

You are welcome to republish the above article only if you add our hyperlinked URL.

Benefits of Royal Jelly - Natural Facelift in a Jar

The benefits of Royal Jelly are illustrious, including improving the conditions of arthritis, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, depression, weak kidneys, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, and maybe even reduces our risk of developing cancer. But, one of the most appealing benefits of Royal Jelly may be more a matter of vanity than health: the revival of youthful skin. This is not just youthful looking skin, which are the results of wrinkle injections or chemical scrubs. But instead, the benefits of Royal Jelly actually gives you youthful skin.

Over the past several decades, people have noticed the almost miraculous benefits of Royal Jelly on bees themselves. After all, the Queen lives 60 times as long as a worker bee and is 2 - 3 times as big. And the only difference between the two is that the Queen is fed Royal Jelly exclusively for her entire life, whereas the workers get it for only the first couple of days of their larva-hood, after which their diet becomes honey and pollen.

The Fountain of Youth?

In conducting research for more than a decade, the German Medical Association's Dr. H.W. Schmidt concluded that the benefits of Royal Jelly were extremely helpful in rejuvenating the body's cells. One of Dr. Schmidt's most intriguing discoveries, especially in this era of aging baby-boomers, was that Royal Jelly rejuvenated tissue cells in elderly patients.

Royal Jelly is incredibly rich in collagen, a powerful anti-aging element that helps preserve the youth of the body, particularly the skin. The nucleic acids in the jelly have been shown to have an almost immediate and significant impact on wrinkles.

Youth Is More than Skin Deep

Honey in general, and Royal Jelly in particular, have been praised for decades for their healing success when treating a wide variety of rashes and skin-disorders, such as
hives, erythmatosis, seborrhea, and eczema. Some researchers claim that using Royal Jelly accelerates the healing process of burns, cuts, scrapes and infections, to half the normal time. Many doctors in the less-developed countries have been using honey-soaked gauze as wound dressings for decades.

Obviously, when an anti-aging discovery is made, it will excite a legion of graying baby boomers clamoring for it. Royal Jelly is no exception. Scientific and anecdotal evidence shows that the very same biological processes which bestow a measure of immortality on the Queen bee also work their magic on human cells, especially skin cells.

Of course, it's probably too much to hope that we humans can enjoy the long life experience of Queen bees no matter how much Royal Jelly we consume (imagine 60 times a normal human life - 3,000 YEARS!), but the results are piling up that Royal Jelly helps us in the right direction.
Benefits of Royal Jelly from the Inside Out

Healthy skin is critical to our bodies. It is the first line of defense against infection. It is the bell-weather mechanism that alerts us to toxins and pollutants in our environment (that's why we get rashes and such). Our skin shields us from radiation and heat. It covers all the muscles, blood vessels, bones and nerve tissue that are required for life itself. Just think how many times in a year you cut your finger or burn yourself. If you didn't have a collagen-based bio-suit covering your body, those little injuries might be damaging to arteries or nerve tissue.

Therefore, having healthy skin is not just a great asset when it comes to looking younger, but it's critical in helping us live healthy, disease-free lives. The benefits of Royal Jelly not only improve the youthful vigor of your skin, but works to strengthen your underlying health.

Steve Crimmens edits the website:

The website contains interesting articles about the benefits of royal jelly.

Madu "Makanan Istimewa" untuk Kebugaran Tubuh

Madu ternyata tak cuma nikmat diminum. Si kental manis asam ini juga baik untuk kesehatan tubuh pengonsumsinya. Bahkan, ia sudah mulai dilirik sebagai bahan obat.

Padahal, sebenarnya madu merupakan cadangan pakan bergizi tinggi bagi anak-anak lebah. Wajar kalau kemudian madu dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok bahan makanan bergizi oleh manusia.

Sebagian masyarakat Indonesia yakin kalau madu merupakan cairan alami yang enak dan manis. Kita juga beranggapan, madu kental itu sebagai "makanan istimewa" untuk kebugaran tubuh. Serta katanya, mampu menjaga lestarinya kemampuan seksual seseorang. Menurut sumber kepustakaan, setiap 1.000 g madu bernilai 3.280 kalori. Nilai kalori 1 kg madu sama dengan 50 butir telur atau 5,575 l susu, atau 1,680 kg daging.

Sebetulnya, khasiat madu amat berkaitan dengan kandungan gulanya yang tinggi. Yakni fruktosa 41%, glukosa 35%, dan sukrosa 1,9%. Serta unsur kan-dungan lainnya, seperti tepung sari ditambah berbagai enzim pencernaan. Lalu ada vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, antibiotika, dan lainnya.

Meski sama manisnya, perlakuan tubuh manusia terhadap madu yang manis itu berbeda dibandingkan dengan gula atau gula pasir. Madu dapat diproses langsung menjadi glukogen, sedangkan gula harus diproses terlebih dulu oleh enzim pencernaan di usus. Dengan demikian tubuh manusia bisa lebih cepat merasakan manfaat madu dibandingkan dengan gula pasir. Dari beberapa hal itu, rasanya bisa disimpulkan kalau madu bisa memberikan manfaat sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia.

Madu peternak lebih baik

Madu memang sudah dikenal sebagai sumber pakan berkhasiat, konon sejak ribuan tahun lalu.

Dalam penggunaan sehari-hari, selain diminum dan dicicipi langsung, madu biasanya dipakai dalam industri susu bubuk, pabrik jamu, juga industri bahan makanan, misalnya untuk campuran roti, kue-kue, dan lainnya. Termasuk pula sebagai salah satu bahan makanan dalam kaleng, sirup, dan sebagainya.

Sayangnya, konsumen umumnya masih buta tentang mutu madu yang baik. Apalagi berbagai kemasan madu yang ada di pasaran jarang mencantumkan kandungan apa saja yang terdapat pada madu dalam botol itu. Seandainya dicantumkan pada kemasan, tetap saja sulit untuk mengetahui benar tidaknya kandungan 11 unsurnya, sebagai parameter yang ditentukan dalam Standar Industri Indonesia atau SII 0156-86.

Penelitian dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) bekerja sama dengan Balai Besar Penelitian dan Industri Hasil Pertanian Bogor pada 1991 menyimpulkan, mutu madu produksi Indonesia, umumnya masih berada di bawah ketentuan SII. Lebih mengejutkan lagi, hasil penelitian yang dilakukan Laboratorium FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya Malang pernah menyimpulkan bahwa mutu madu produksi petani peternak secara umum, lebih baik dibandingkan dengan madu yang dijual di toko-toko, dengan segala kemewahan merek dan kemasannya.

Di sinilah perlunya peran para ahli untuk memberikan berbagai syarat madu yang memenuhi standar secara jelas dan ringkas, sehingga mudah diserap masyarakat luas. Di lain pihak perlu adanya itikad baik dan kejujuran dari para produsen serta penjual madu, sehingga berbagai macam madu yang beredar di pasaran tidak membingungkan kualitasnya.

Bukan "susu ratu"

Dalam perkembangan lebih lanjut, manusia menemukan produk lebah yang lebih hebat dibandingkan dengan madu, yaitu royal jelly alias "susu ratu".

Dalam beberapa penelitian, royal jelly memberikan petunjuk katanya bisa menggantikan sel-sel tubuh yang mati, serta memelihara kebugaran tubuh. Juga disebut-sebut - lagi-lagi katanya - mampu mempertahankan keperkasaan lelaki. Bahkan, beberapa ahli lebah madu di Eropa kini kabarnya sedang meneliti kemungkinan royal jelly untuk mengobati penderita leukemia, kanker, dan AIDS.

Madu konon bisa menggantikan antibiotika bagi pasien pengidap kanker, juga menyembuhkan efek sampingan prosedur kuratif, dan obat rematik. Sedangkan venom atau racun lebah dapat untuk mengobati prostatitis kronis dan wasir. Juga dapat merehabilitasi pasien berpenyakit jantung, penyakit kulit, tukak lambung, luka bakar, dan sebagainya. Dalam suatu seminar internasional di Swis, tahun 1995, para peneliti dan ahli apiterapi juga ahli farmasi menyatakan dirinya siap bekerja sama secara internasional, untuk mengembangkan produksi obat-obatan dari produk lebah madu dan royal jelly.

Royal jelly yang disebut "susu ratu" sebetulnya bukan susu. Apalagi madu yang dihasilkan sang ratu lebah. Itu sebetulnya bahan makanan khusus untuk ratu lebah. Diduga karena terus-menerus makan royal jelly, queen bee itu bisa berumur antara 5 - 6 tahun.

Sejak 1922, seorang peneliti dari Prancis telah merekomendasikan royal jelly untuk pengobatan. Meski begitu sampai saat ini berbagai unsur yang terkandung di dalamnya belum bisa diketahui seluruhnya. Royal jelly yang manis agak kecut tetap merupakan misteri yang menggoda para ilmuwan.

Selebihnya, masih banyak laporan penelitian tentang berbagai produk lebah yang menunjukkan hasil positif untuk pengobatan, baik setelah mengonsumsi madu, tepung sari atau polen, maupun royal jelly. Sayangnya, kenyataan itu sulit diterima organisasi kesehatan dan perguruan tinggi kedokteran di beberapa negara dengan alasan kurangnya bukti ilmiah. Setidaknya, begitulah antara lain pernyataan pakar apiterapi dari Jerman. (Intisari)

Sumber artikel : Kompas Cyber media

Royal Jelly And Cholesterol Control

Royal jelly can aid in cholesterol control. Royal jelly research has shown that there are some benefits with taking in this substance in order to get cholesterol benefits. This naturally occurring product allows for many benefits in health even beyond that of cholesterol control. For example, it has been shown to help improve heart conditions and royal jelly and improved sexual performance have also been linked to each other.

How can something that comes from a little bee do something so life enhancing as helping us to lower our cholesterol levels? Understanding this connection is something that many are striving to do.

Natural Remedies For High Cholesterol

Many people are looking towards natural remedies for high cholesterol. While there are plenty of medications on the market that claim to help lower the levels of cholesterol in our bodies, many of those medications come with the added side effects and even sometimes with health risks. The fact is that they are chemical medications that can not provide the natural healing benefits that naturally occurring substances can. Royal jelly, on the other hand, is a natural product that has been used for hundreds of years for all types of healing. Those that are looking for cholesterol benefits can tap into the natural remedies for high cholesterol that are available. This includes using royal jelly.

How Does Royal Jelly Improve Cholesterol?

It may seem a bit strange to look to bees for aid in relieving cholesterol control problems, but in fact it can be quite a benefit to overall health. Royal jelly has been shown to help in lowering high cholesterol because it is packed with nutrients and proteins that your body needs to balance its health and well being. There are several key benefits to royal jelly and it has to do with the nutrient punch that it packs.

Royal jelly can help in lowering high cholesterol because it has many nutrients your body needs to do this. It is full of B complex vitamins such as B5, pantothenic acid as well as B6, pyridoxine. In addition, it has vitamins A, C, D as well as E. It offers 18 amino acids that are known to help in unclogging arteries and flushing the body of harmful free radicals that cause conditions such as high cholesterol. Royal jelly research has also shown that the substances have a wide range of enzymes, hormones, minerals and even antibacterial components. All of these nutrients and supplements allow your body to effectively manage the cholesterol levels within it.

By consuming royal jelly in the recommended doses, the royal jelly research suggests that you will see many health benefits including the benefits associated with lowering your body’s cholesterol levels. Because royal jelly is effective at this type of healing process, it should be considered by those that are looking for a natural remedy for high cholesterol. Controlling cholesterol should always be done with the aid of your doctor, and you should never stop taking medications that have been prescribed to you. Nevertheless, royal jelly may be the perfect solution to lowering your cholesterol levels.

Due to the high levels of nutrients in royal jelly, people will see some benefits in lowering their high cholesterol numbers. Although more research needs to be done to fully understand the benefits that royal jelly can offer, many believe it to be a solution for improved health all around, including depression.

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Royal Jelly and Bacterial and Viral Infections

Royal Jelly is the wonderful product of the humble bumble bee! It has many beneficial qualities. This article will cover the natural medicinal properties that assist in healing bacterial and viral infections.

Royal jelly offers several benefits for bacterial and viral infections. Unlike other medications that are on the market, royal jelly is a completely natural dietary supplement that can offer many health benefits. You will see that these non pharmaceutical remedies are more beneficial to you than simple medications as they will work with your immune system, strengthening it and allowing you to have more ability to fight off the effects of bacteria and viral infections.

Royal jelly offers several key benefits to your health. As you will see in the royal jelly composition breakdown that is listed below, there are many nutrients within it. These nutrients give your body the necessary fuel that it needs to power through the healing process. Of course, keeping your immune system up and running well also helps to minimize the effects that an illness, bacteria or other condition will have on you. In other words, because of the nutrients within royal jelly, you face fewer infections because of your strong immune system.

What’s In It?

Understanding what is in royal jelly will help you to see the health benefits it can provide to you. You could say that it is a natural dietary supplement as it is quite full of nutrients that your body needs. So, what is in this natural dietary supplement? It offers proteins that your body needs as well as many vitamins including vitamins A, C, D, and E and some of the B complex vitamins. In addition, you will find amino acids, zinc, iron, manganese, and calcium. For a bit of help in the anti aging department, you will find collagen, lecithin and folic acid. As you can see, there are plenty of nutrients in royal jelly.

Protect Your Immune System

Royal jelly can protect your immune system. Because it offers your body many of the nutrients that your immune system needs in order to fight off bacterial and viral infections, it actually strengthens your system. When a virus or a bacterial infection enters the body, your body can react in a much more beneficial way. It can effectively fight off the infection before it becomes a real life threatening or sickening condition. Overall, this allows for your immune system to continue strengthening. Just as giving your automobile the fuel that it needs to allow it to move through the streets, giving your body the necessary nutrients that are found in royal jelly allows it to do its job the best possible way.

There are many benefits to using non pharmaceutical remedies for improving your health as well as fighting off infection. If you are looking for a method of healing that will not give you with the side effects that many chemical based medicines that do, then the non pharmaceutical option of royal jelly may be one of the best things to consider.

Royal jelly’s health benefits are disputed and there is no guarantee that it will heal all types of infections. Yet, many people have found solid benefits when they use royal jelly as opposed to using traditional medicines. The simple fact that royal jelly is packed with nutrients that your body needs for its health and well being, means that there are many things that it can help you with including fighting off bacterial and viral infections of many types.

The health benefits of Royal Jelly are many. To find out more about this amazing product; its benefits, side effects, research and composition visit

Royal Jelly and Anti Aging

Royal jelly is a very powerful, health fighting tool even in the world of anti aging. None of us want to see those lines and those wrinkles begin to show on our faces. Yet, it is a natural sign of aging, right? The fact is that anti aging products that are on the market often promise us that they can erase what is there. While they may or may not be the best products to use for anti aging benefits, we do know that royal jelly can help in making the process a bit less tragic. Royal jelly can aid in relieving anti aging conditions that you may be facing. In fact, this naturally occurring substance can do much more. Royal jelly and bacterial and viral infections go hand in hand. You will find that it can help with cholesterol control and depression as well. A simple, natural product can help to ease the signs of age and improve your health at the same time.

Anti Aging Supplements

You are sure to find many anti aging supplements on the market in any given day. There are many, yet very few of them are natural products. Most are made with chemicals that will provide side effects even if they do work. Yet, a natural product like royal jelly can provide the same anti aging benefits with the addition of it being a natural product. If anti aging supplements are something that you purchase, take into consideration the benefits that royal jelly can provide to you.

Royal jelly is packed with nutrients

This type of natural substance does many things for you because of that natural nutrient load. Unlike other anti aging treatments, you will find royal jelly offers a simple solution of nutrients your body needs. It offers iron, zinc, B complex vitamins that are very important for health and anti aging treatments, Vitamins A, C, D and E, folic acid, amino acids and calcium. One of the most important substances that it provides to your body for use as an anti aging treatment is that of collagen, something that your body needs as you age to keep your skin looking young and healthy.

Royal jelly is a natural alternative medicine that has shown to offer many benefits to the skin. The collagen within the product allows for filling in those wrinkles that are so frequent with aging. In addition to this, royal jelly also has been shown to aid in enhancing the circulatory system. Because it is packed with nutrients that your body needs, royal jelly can also make you feel young as well.

Royal jelly is a tool that can be quite useful in the fight against aging. Although there is no solid proof that it will provide you skin with a beautiful, young look, many people have found the benefits of royal jelly to be quite rewarding. Since it is full of so many important nutrients that your body needs for healthy and well being, it is naturally going to aid in improving your health. The fact is that it is a natural alternative medicine. Because it is a natural alternative medicine, it offers nutrients your body needs without the side effects that chemicals often have. Therefore, those that are looking for help with anti aging treatments; consider adding the benefits of royal jelly. Not only will you look younger, but royal jelly will improve your cardiovascular system and even improve your sexual performance keeping you young at heart as well.

While following an interest in alternative therapies, Joan became aware of the many health benefits of Royal Jelly. To find out more about this amazing product; its benefits, side effects, research and composition visit her informative website at

The Benefits of Taking Royal Jelly

One creature in nature has provided man with gifts out of all proportion to its size. The honey bee provides us with Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, and of course honey.

Many people are aware of Royal Jelly. This ‘super food’ is fed only to a bee that is destined to become a queen bee and it sustains her during her six year life. Such is the power of Royal Jelly that the queen lays up to 3000 eggs each day during her six years, a lifespan that compares to four to six weeks for the ordinary worker bee.

So what does this ‘super food’ contain that gives such power to the queen bee? Royal Jelly is actually a milky secretion derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. It contains vitamins A, C, D, and E, and is also a rich source of the B-complex vitamins. A major ingredient is vitamin B5, one of the most important substances in our bodies and essential for the synthesis and metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and several hormones. A deficiency in vitamin B5 can cause headaches, fatigue, sensitivity to insulin, nausea, insomnia, nervous disorders, and upper respiratory infections.

Royal Jelly also contains all eight essential amino acids plus ten of the secondary amino acids, and notable amounts of the minerals copper, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon and sulphur.

All these sound most impressive, but what benefits do we actually receive if we take Royal Jelly? As this ‘super food’ enhances the body’s metabolism, we can expect to notice increased energy and rapid recovery from fatigue. Other reported benefits include relief from stress and pre-menstrual tension, a reduction in cholesterol, and an improvement in skin texture. Another benefit attributed to Royal Jelly is that it aids in cell regeneration.

By taking Royal Jelly you won’t extend your lifespan in the same way as the queen bee! But the benefits to your health are undeniable.

Tony Luck has a site with advice about bee products and vitamin supplements. To learn more about Royal Jelly and other bee products, visit his site.

Article Source:

Minggu, 09 November 2008

4 Medical Magic From The Beehives

The passion for natural remedies just keeps growing. In the United States alone, sales have been averaging over a billion dollars each year. Of all these remedies, one that is receiving much attention by the public and research community is honey.

Believed to be one of the oldest foods known to men, physicians throughout the world declared it a simple remedy for a great number of diseases. However, unknown to a lot of us, these physicians also have no less respect towards other goods coming from the beehives.
Let's see the four medical magic from the hives.

Magic No 1: Honey
Honey is not only food, but is also considered a medicine. This second greatest energy booster (surpassed only by dates) also contains six times the fuel value of milk and even higher fuel value than your ordinary food like meat, fish, eggs, grain or vegetables.

Honey also has the ability to draw off moisture. Used in treating wounds, this ability starve bacteria from a suitable breeding ground - effectively killing them. Thus, it is not surprising why the Hindus and Chinese use is for smallpox or why Egyptians use it as a surgical dressing.

Because of its versatility, honey has also been used in treatment of anemia, sleeplessness, constipation, insomnia, bronchitis or treat diphtheria - a major disease affecting children in many parts of the world.

It's a pity honey is no longer used in daily life because it's role as natural sweetener has been taking over by white sugar. If honey is used, the number of diabetes cases will not be as astronomical as today.

The Indians of Northern Mexico learned it the hard way. As their use of honey gave way to refined sugar, the number of diabetes cases swell rapidly. The tribal medicine men, sensing the connection, started to take his patients off sugar and fed them large amount of honey dissolved in tea brewed from a plant called manzanilla.
In most cases the symptoms vanished.

Magic No. 2 - Pollen
The second magic from the beehive is pollen. Stored as food, pollen is also another age-folk medicine that has been mentioned in the great ancient writings of China, Greece, Russia and Persia.

During those times, like honey, pollen use is very common. When the Chinese was plagued by famine, the poor peasants survived by consuming cakes made of pollen and honey. Arabs who had to travel for a long period through the harsh deserts also make a similar use of pollen which they gather from date trees. Athletes in training for the ancient Olympic Games were also fed large quantities of pollen-laden-honey for extra energy.

The number of allergy to pollen that plagued the modern world could also be significantly reduced if people start taking them. One does not have to look very far for test subjects. Research done on natives showed that those natives who eat pollen are almost immune to hay fever, asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Studies done in United States, Sweden and France also showed that patients could be immunized by controlled injection or oral doses of the same pollen to which they are allergic.

Magic No. 3: Royal Jelly
Royal jelly is the only food eaten by the queen bee. This rare, amber colored jelly is fed to bee larvae for the first three days but after the period, only the queen larvae is fed this special diet.

In Africa, royal jelly is believed to have the ability to preserve youthfulness, increase one's stamina and is a cure of all illnesses. And all these claims may have some basis.

In a hive, royal jelly makes the queen mature more rapidly, and increases it's size to nearly double the ordinary bees. While normal bees only live for around forty days, the queen lives for around eight years - all while laying eggs daily.

German scientists, studying the health benefit of royal jelly found that it's extremely rich in pathotenic acid, biotin and nucleic acids. It is stated that deficiency of these substances lead to neuritis, indigestion, premature aging and premature gray hair.

Apart from that, vitamin B6 is also present in royal jelly. It is valuable in treating Parkinson diseases due to its calming effect on the nerves.

Magic No. 4: Propolis
Propolis is another magical medicine from the beehives. A resinous substance brought back by the bees from wounded trees, the propolis is used to patch up the hives and sterilize it from any diseases. In fact, scientists believe the hive is the most sterilized laboratory in the world - better than any modern hospitals or labs ever built by mankind.

Ancient books from almost all great civilization had written about propolis, praising it's ability in treating infection, skin diseases, respiratory and joint problems. The Greeks were believed to use it for abscesses while the Assyrians used it to heal wounds and possibly tumors.

Studies have shown that propolis contains all the known vitamins except for vitamin K, and has fourteen of the 15 minerals that the human body requires for normal function.

One of the most significant medical journal articles described how the caffeic acids in propolis and honey could prevent colon cancer, a disease that kills some 60,000 Americans each year. It appears that these caffeic acids prevented the formation of pre-cancerous tissue in rats after they were exposed to cancer-causing chemicals.

Most medical articles, however, still point to the value of propolis as a powerful, natural antibiotic. One research done had actually showed propolis effectively increases the strength of antibiotics from 10 to 100 times!

An effective solution for better oral hygiene, propolis has been used by the dental communities during oral surgery. As a safe disinfectant, propolis mouthwash used after an oral surgery have also been shown to shorten the healing time. In a study done in 1991, rats given propolis in their drinking water got less caries compared to the others.
Whether eaten in the form of honey, pollen, royal jelly or propolis, the products of beehives have, under the watchful eyes of modern science, confirmed the claims made for them by ancient witch doctors, folk healers and herbalists.

Many of the claims may sound like exaggeration but the number grows smaller as modern research started to break down the mysteries of the beehives products.

We may not know all that the bee and its lab have to offer. In fact, we may not know or learn all about bees, the health benefits of bees' products or how much they can help us lead a healthier life - naturally.

However, these four medical magic from the beehives may be enough for most of our daily illnesses - if is harnessed to it's true potential.

These benefits of bee products is brought to you by the
Bee Propolis Information Center website.
If you'd like to know specific information on
the benefits of propolis, this site is the most comprehensive and detailed informational site on the subject. It also discusses certain topics like the side effect of this bee products.

Article Source:

Propolis - The Other Healthy Gift From Bees

Bees really are remarkable creatures. Apart from providing a vital role in much of our food supply through their help with pollination, they also provide us with wonderful natural, healthy bee products.
When you think of bees, most people immediately think of honey.

Honey has been making a come back in recent times for its naturally healthy qualities. Supported by a growing amount of research, this has been particularly led by the unique healing properties, supported by proper research, found in some batches of New Zealand's manuka honey.

There is another bee product, that the bees use themselves, which makes a great natural remedy - propolis.
Propolis is a resin type substance, produced mainly from bees collecting tree sap, mixed with some pollen. It has antibiotic properties due to its content of biologically active flavonoids.

The source of propolis is important, as its make up varies by location, influenced by just what the bees in that area have available to them. So like many natural products, not all propolis is the same. What the bees feed on in each area can affect the potency of the propolis the produce.

According to Wikipedia (as at 17/12/07) "Natural medicine practitioners often utilize propolis for the relief of various conditions, including inflammations, viral diseases, ulcers, superficial burns or scalds". Its natural anti-fungal properties are also useful for fighting fungal infections, including athletes foot.

It is an old beekeepers trick to use a piece of propolis in the mouth as a remedy for a sore throat. This is now one of the common uses propolis products are aimed at, the winter ills such as sore throats, coughs and colds. You can of course now get a rather more pleasant tasting honey and propolis lozenge to help with your sore throat.

Some people who are sensitive to bee products do need to take care, as it may cause allergic reactions in them.
Like many natural remedies, much of the evidence supporting it is still anecdotal. But with a growing number of research studies underway around the world, scientists are gaining a better understanding of propolis.

One of the difficulties in getting good scientific evidence for a natural remedy such as porpolis is again the fact they naturally vary in composition and potency. Not being produced to a set standard in a laboratory creates obstacles to getting consistent results.

To make a step towards alleviating this, and having a standard for measuring potency, New Zealand's leading health bee products company Comvita has come up with a test and standard for their New Zealand propolis tinctures and extracts. Comvita's 'PFL' standard is a measure of Propolis Flavonoid Levels. They use an independent laboratory to certify each batch of propolis. This gives you information on the potency of their propolis products.

Of course there is a wider range of options, for example you can view these remedies. You can get combinations with honey, propolis soaps, and even propolis in a toothpaste.

So next time you are starting to suffer from any of winter's ill effects, or a fungal infection, yes, remember honey is good, but don't forget there is another health bee product in propolis that also may help you. Ask about it next time you visit your favourite natural health store.

Robert works with The New Zealand Honey Shop, helping to promote the benefits of healthy bee products, including
propolis and UMF manuka honey.

Article Source:

Is Honey Allowed In Diabetic Diet?

The diabetic diet is strictly controlled in terms of sugar and mineral compounds intake. Hence it's not surprising that "whether honey is allowed for diabetic patients" is a frequently asked question.

Diabetes is a deficiency of the pancreas, whereby insulin is not produced sufficiently or utilised properly. It's basically a disorder of metabolism, primarily that of carbohydrates. The ingested sugars and starches cannot be deployed, and hence are eliminated in the urine. Symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, extreme thirst or hunger, weight loss, fatigue, numbness, and infections.

There are 2 types of diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body doesn't produce any insulin. People with type 2 diabetes either don't produce enough insulin or their cells resist the insulin. They tend to be overweight, because the high insulin levels, unable to channel glucose into muscle cells, convert glucose into fat and cholesterol instead. This results not only in obesity, but also very often heart disease, poor blood circulation in the legs and eye diseases. Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections, which help glucose get into the body cells and maintain blood glucose control, whereas type 2 diabetics commonly use glucose-lowering drugs. Most diabetics are type 2, who are usually in their 40s.

Clinical studies have shown that pure honey is a healthier choice in diabetic diet than table sugar and other non-nutritive sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame. Honey requires lower levels of insulin compared to regular white sugar and does not raise blood sugar levels as rapidly as table sugar, that is, it has a lower Glycemic Index than sugar. Although honey contains a significant amount of sugar, it consists largely of two simple individual units of sugar - glucose and fructose, which are absorbed at different rates into the body.

With appropriate control, many diabetics are still able to safely enjoy natural honey. However, each diabetic is different and has to learn how his or her body reacts to different foods. Their doctor should first be consulted before incorporating honey into their meal planning. Every diabetic should check with their dietician on how much honey can be consumed on a daily basis, bearing in mind that the total amount of carbohydrates in a food is the key, not the amount of sugar, and honey is a carb food as well, just like rice, potatoes. Just keep in mind that 1 tablespoon of honey has approximately 17 grams of carbohydrate, and taking that into account when counting your total daily intake of carbohydrates, diabetics can work it out just like any other sweetener or carbohydrates. Also, when purchasing commercial honey for diabetic patients, be sure that it is not adulterated by glucose, starch, cane sugar, and even malt, which is to better to be avoided in a diabetic diet.

R. Tan is the owner of the website which is a rich honey resource community specially built for all the honey lovers and fans in this world. She has packed this website with a wide range of quality contents on honey based on her knowledge and experience with honey, so as to promote its invaluable benefits which she believes could bring many positive spin-offs in everyone's daily life.

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Honey - The Great Healer

Honey is absolutely a great healer it is extremely beneficial for our bodies. Honey has been around for a long time and continues to be an important part in our cooking and contributes to the healing of many physical conditions. The comeback in interest in traditional medicine and healing is also encouraging to the honey industry.

Raw honey is often the best choice of product and by shopping around a bit you should be able to find raw honey but you may have to pay a little more. Honey has a natural high sugar content and carries an acidic ph balance. It can be stored in an air tight container and will last for years.

Honey is used for many things and has an amazing healing power. It can be used as a treatment of burns and it will decrease the pain and assists in the healing. Although more serious burns require medical assistance there are doctors who has treated burns and other wounds with honey.

Honey can lessen the problems with hay fever and if you take honey to prevent hay fever, many experts recommend using a product that is harvested locally. This seems to be more effective than using honey from more distant places.

Honey has long been a popular home remedy for those suffering from sore throats and coughs. If you combine four to five tablespoons of honey with a few tablespoons of vinegar in a cup you can create your own cough remedy. Just take a tablespoon every few hours and you will be amazed with the result.

Honey is also an incredible digestive aid and is often taken to settle upset stomachs because it is very easy for the human body to digest. It is known to cut down the length of time of bacterial diarrhoea. Honey can be used in many ways to maintain the healing process of the body. It also works as a natural energy contributor because it is quickly absorbed into the blood.

Hanne Klein shares an enormous amount of ebooks in many categories loaded with Sizzling information for people from all walks of life. You can find many more great tips about honey from her ebook The Magic and Many uses of Honey at this link

Article Source:

Asthma Home Remedy - Honey and Ginger to Relieve Asthma

There are many different triggers and causes of asthma. And just as there are many triggers and causes, there are also many different remedies. Some of these asthma home remedies involve consuming different combinations of food ingredients. Two of the most beneficial ingredients are honey and ginger.
Let's take a look at some concoctions with honey and with ginger.

Honey as a Remedy
Honey is very good for asthma. Honey helps to thin the mucus in the body and helps get the mucus out of the respiratory system. As you probably already know, mucus accumulates in the breathing passages and blocks air flow in and out of the body. This can trigger or make an asthma attack worse.
You can either take the honey by mouth or you can just breathe in the honey if an attack is beginning.

Here are some mixtures (along with how often to take them) that combine honey with other ingredients:
* One teaspoon of honey with water every day.
* One teaspoon of warm water with one quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder twice a day.
* One teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder once a day (either morning or night).
* One tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of drumstick leaves juice, one teaspoon small onion juice, and half a teaspoon of asafetida. Mix all these things together and consume twice a day.

Ginger as a Remedy
Ginger is also very good for asthma. Ginger powder negates the effects of Platelet-Activating Factors. This means the ginger powder stops inflammation.
When mixed with certain other ingredients, it also acts as an expectorant. This means that it helps you cough-up and get rid of mucus in your respiratory system.

Here are a few mixtures with ginger in them:
* One teaspoon of ginger with one cup of fenugreek concoction once a day.
* Fresh ginger juice mixed with honey taken once a day.
* Half a tea spoon of fresh ginger, one teaspoon cumin seeds, a pinch of nutmeg, and a glass of water. Combine everything and bring to a boil. Then drink hot.

The Effectiveness of Honey and Ginger
The effectiveness of honey and ginger as an asthma home remedy has been proven over and over. However, just as everyone's asthma is triggered by something different, everyone's asthma is effectively treated a little differently. Therefore, you will need to test to see which one or ones work best for you.
Overall, honey and ginger are two of the most effective ingredients that you can add to any concoction. Honey helps rid the respiratory system of mucus while ginger helps stop inflammation and also helps get rid of mucus when mixed with certain other ingredients.

Discover the asthma remedies that many asthma sufferers including Olympic athletes have used to cure their asthma and now live a fulfilling life at These little secrets compiled by Jonathan Hatton have helped hundreds of people to take full control of their asthma naturally without taking expansive drugs or medications. For more information, visit Asthma Cure Guide today.

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Minggu, 02 November 2008

Get Rid Of Common Cold

Have you ever suffer from common cold? I bet almost none of you would answer no. This symptom happens easily especially when you have lack of immunity and when you are exhausted after having a hard work or a long journey.

At the beginning you will get runny nose, congestion, sneezing, scratchy throat, cough and sometimes followed with headache. Over-the-counter medications can provide temporary relief of symptoms and should be used as soon as you feel a cold coming on. But you should REMEMBER to follow dosage instructions on all product labels and know what is in the medication one is taking.

Studies have shown that acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to relieve aches and pains may worsen asthma and/or peptic ulcers.

When you get cold, try to take a rest, if possible. Though colds get better within a few days to weeks, whether or not a person takes medication, it is always inconvenient when you get cold. It is recommended to take adequate liquid to help keep the lining of the nose and throat from drying out, so that mucus remains moist and easy to clear from the nose.

My experience with this symptom might inspire you. As I prefer not to take too much chemical medication anymore, I try to maximize the usage of my father's bee products. When I got cold, it was hurt to swallow my own saliva. I believed that I begun to get common cold. I put 5 drops of our liquid propolis in a half cup of warm water-mixed with a spoonful of honey and drunk it before I went to bed. The next morning, I got much better and my sorrow throat was relieved!

I also use honey to heal my 1,5-year-old daughter who was asthmatic. Every morning before taking any meal, I always give her a half cup of warm water mixed with a spoonful of honey. The result : she could manage her cough and never suffered from her asthma anymore. And she also has a good appetite as well :-)

Honey and propolis are useful in protecting from many bacterial and viral infections. Unlike NSAID drugs, honey and propolis are considered as save to be used for those who are asthmatic and they are very good as wound dressings. And the most wonderful thing is that they are natural food supplement that have no harmful side effect. So why don't you start to consume them for your health? :-)

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Propolis Untuk Penderita Diabetes

Penyakit diabetes merupakan penyakit yang bisa mematikan dan secara diam-diam dapat menyerang siap saja. Setiap orang dapat mengidap diabetes, baik tua maupun muda, termasuk Anda. Namun, yang perlu anda pahami adalah anda tidak sendiri.

Menurut data WHO, Indonesia menempati urutan ke-4 terbesar dalam jumlah penderita Diabetes Mellitus di dunia. Pada tahun 2000 yang lalu saja, terdapat sekitar 5,6 juta penduduk Indonesia yang mengidap diabetes.

Gejala Umum Diabetes

Gejala awal penderita diabetes adalah meningkatnya kadar gula darah yang tinggi, hingga diatas 160-180 mg/dL. Peningkatan kadar gula darah yang tinggi akan memacu ginjal membuang air tambahan untuk mengencerkan sejumlah besar glukosa yang hilang akibat banyaknya glukosa yang dikeluarkan melalui air seni.
Efek yang terlihat :
  • penderita sering buang air kecil dalam jumlah yang banyak (poliuri)
  • penderita mudah kehausan yang berlebihan sehingga banyak minum (polidipsi)
  • banyaknya glukosa yang ke luar juga menyebabkan penderita seringkali merasakan lapar yang luar biasa sehingga banyak makan (polifagi)

Gejala lainnya adalah :

  • pandangan kabur
  • pusing
  • mual
  • berkurangnya ketahanan tubuh selama melakukan olah raga
  • peka terhadap infeksi

Komplikasi Diabetes Bisa Mematikan

Diabetes merupakan penyakit yang menimbulkan berbagi komplikasi penyakit tubuh lainnya. Hal ini disebabkan kadar gula darah yang terus meningkat dapat merusak pembuluh darah, saraf dan struktur internal lainnya.
Komplikasi kronis Diabetes mellitus meyebablkan penderita mudah terserang penyakit lainnya:

  • 2x lebih mudah mengalami trombosit otak ( pembekuan darah dibagian otak) menyebabkan stroke
  • 2x lebih mudah mengalami penyakit jantung koroner
  • 7x lebih mudah mengalami gagal ginjal kronis
  • 25x lebih mudah mengalami kebutaan
  • 5 x lebih mudah mengalami gangrene

Peran Propolis Bagi Penderita Diabetes

Menurut Beijing propolis Research Network, propolis mampu membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah dalam penderita diabetes. Hal-hal di bawah ini mendukung pernyataan penelitian tersebut :

  • Propolis mengandung flavonoid.Kandungan terpene vinyl mendukung penggunaan sumber glukosa exogenous dari peranan glycogen, dan zat tersebut berguna untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah.
  • Propolis mempunyai efek bactericidal anti peradangan, bisa menjadi sel aktif, untuk meningkatkan regenerasi jaringan sel.
  • Propolis adalah antioxidan alami yang kuat, dan bisa secara signifikan meningkatkan aktivitas SOD. Penggunaan propolis tidak saja menurunkan tingkat radikal bebas yang merusak sel, tapi juga menghindari juga merawat berbagai macam komplikasi penyakit.
  • Propolis sangat mujarab, untuk penyuntikan insulin atau hypoglycemic, dapat secara signifikan menurunkan gula darah.
  • Efek hipolipidemic dari propolis meningkatkan peredaran darah dan anti oksidan, melindungi pembuluh darah, yang mengendalikan komplikasi diabetes.
  • Propolis dapat menstimulasi tubuh untuk menumbuhkan ATP. ATP adalah sumber penting dari energi tubuh, pemasok energy, meningkatkan kekuatan fisik.
  • Propolis kaya akan kalsium, magnesium, potassium, phosphor, zat besi, chromium dan elemen trace lain untuk mencegah dan merawat penderita diabetes.

Sumber: artikel

Madu sebagai alternatif obat batuk anak-anak yang lebih baik

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh tim peneliti dari Penn State College of Medicine di Amerika (Desember 2007) menemukan bahwa madu dapat menjadi alternatif pengobatan yang aman dan efektif. Dalam penelitian itu ditemukan bahwa pemberian sedikit saja madu sebelum tidur dapat mengurangi batuk anak di malam hari dan kesulitan tidur dibandingkan dextromethorphan (DM), suatu bahan penekan batuk yang banyak digunakan di dalam obat flu.

Madu bahkan lebih mampu mengurangi frekuensi dan penderitaan batuk di malam hari akibat infeksi saluran pernafasan bagian atas dibandingkan DM atau tanpa perlakuan. Madu juga dapat meningkatkan kualitas tidur anak yang batuk. DM malah tidak menunjukkan hasil signifikan dalam mengurangi gejala-gejala batuk jika dibandingkan tanpa perlakuan.

Penelitian tersebut melibatkan 105 orang anak berusia 2-18 tahun yang menderita infeksi saluran pernafasan atas selama 7 hari atau kurang dan batuk di malam hari.

Pada malam pertama penelitian, anak-anak tersebut tidak menerima perlakuan apapun. Orang tua mereka menjawab lima pertanyaan tentang batuk anak-anak mereka serta kualitas tidur anak-anak dan mereka sendiri. Pada malam kedua, sekitar setengah jam sebelum tidur, anak-anak itu ada yang diberi madu, obat batuk DM rasa madu dan ada yang tidak menerima perlakuan sama sekali. Orang tua mereka kembali menjawab lima pertanyaan yang sama pada pagi harinya.

Orang tua yang anak-anaknya diberi madu sebelum tidur merasakan kualitas tidur mereka dan anak-anak mereka membaik karena frekuensi batuk anak-anak di malam hari berkurang dibandingkan kelompok anak-anak yang diberi DM dan yang tanpa perlakuan.

Madu telah banyak digunakan selama berabad-abad dalam berbagai tradisi kuno untuk menyembuhkan gejala-gejala penyakit pernafasan bagian atas seperti batuk, dan aman dikonsumsi bagi anak-anak usia di atas 12 bulan. Madu memiliki efek antioksidan dan anti mikroba. Itu sebabnya madu dapat membantu penyembuhan luka. Madu juga sehingga efeknya mampu meringankan penderitaan batuk seperti yang disarankan oleh WHO.

“Penelitian kami menambahkan wawasan terhadap literatur yang sedang berkembang mengenai pertanyaan seputar penggunaan DM untuk anak-anak. Selain itu juga menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi dokter dan orang tua untuk mendapatkan alternatif pengobatan yang lebih aman,” ujar Paul, seorang pediatric, peneliti dan associate professor pediatric pada Penn State College of Medicine dan Penn State Children’s Hospital. Penelitian ini tentunya juga bisa dipertimbangkan oleh para professional di bidang kesehatan mengingat DM memiliki potensi efek samping yang berbahaya untuk anak-anak, seperti reaksi kontraksi otot yang membahayakan, kejang-kejang, mulut kering, mual dan kurang nafsu makan.

Batuk merupakan alasan dari sekitar 3 % orang Amerika untuk berobat jalan, lebih dari gejala penyakit-penyakit lainnya. Batuk biasanya mengganggu tidur di malam hari. Konsumen telah menghabiskan milyaran dolar setiap tahun untuk mendapatkan obat batuk dan flu dari apotik, meskipun ternyata efek penyembuhannya kurang signifikan.