Senin, 10 November 2008

The Benefits of Taking Royal Jelly

One creature in nature has provided man with gifts out of all proportion to its size. The honey bee provides us with Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, and of course honey.

Many people are aware of Royal Jelly. This ‘super food’ is fed only to a bee that is destined to become a queen bee and it sustains her during her six year life. Such is the power of Royal Jelly that the queen lays up to 3000 eggs each day during her six years, a lifespan that compares to four to six weeks for the ordinary worker bee.

So what does this ‘super food’ contain that gives such power to the queen bee? Royal Jelly is actually a milky secretion derived from the pharyngeal glands of the honey bee. It contains vitamins A, C, D, and E, and is also a rich source of the B-complex vitamins. A major ingredient is vitamin B5, one of the most important substances in our bodies and essential for the synthesis and metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and several hormones. A deficiency in vitamin B5 can cause headaches, fatigue, sensitivity to insulin, nausea, insomnia, nervous disorders, and upper respiratory infections.

Royal Jelly also contains all eight essential amino acids plus ten of the secondary amino acids, and notable amounts of the minerals copper, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon and sulphur.

All these sound most impressive, but what benefits do we actually receive if we take Royal Jelly? As this ‘super food’ enhances the body’s metabolism, we can expect to notice increased energy and rapid recovery from fatigue. Other reported benefits include relief from stress and pre-menstrual tension, a reduction in cholesterol, and an improvement in skin texture. Another benefit attributed to Royal Jelly is that it aids in cell regeneration.

By taking Royal Jelly you won’t extend your lifespan in the same way as the queen bee! But the benefits to your health are undeniable.

Tony Luck has a site with advice about bee products and vitamin supplements. To learn more about Royal Jelly and other bee products, visit his site.

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