Selasa, 11 November 2008

How to Eat Bee Pollen

Before we address the question of how to eat bee pollen, it is best to understand what bee pollen is and where it is derived from. Bee pollen is the pollen that worker bees collect as they fly from flower to flower blossom. The bees collect the pollen on their bodies and on their hind legs. It has been known to contain bee saliva as well as nectar from the flower blossoms that they have visited.

Scientifically designed traps that are placed in the entrance of the hive then collect the bee pollen. The trap gently brushes the pollen from the bees as they pass through to enter into the hive. These traps do not brush all the pollen from the bees as the colony in the hive are very dependent on the pollen that worker bees bring back in order to survive. Good, now we have some basic knowledge before we go on to answer the how to eat bee pollen questions.

Can You Explain How to Eat Bee Pollen and Bee Pollen Products?

There are many different theories and instruction on how to eat bee pollen. This is because there are many different products and dosages available. The reasons for beginning and maintaining a bee pollen therapy regime are different for each person.

Some people learn how to eat bee pollen because they have heard it is a weight loss tool. And it is! Bee pollen serves as a natural dietary in that it provides the feeling of fullness after a meal. This is believed to be caused by the body receiving it’s proper vitamins and nutrients providing a sense of balance and causing the body to not feel hunger urges. Bee pollen also promotes fat burning metabolism and therefore aids in the burning of useless fats.

Can You Tell Me How to Eat Bee Pollen With Bee Pollen Allergies?

Regrettably there is no set way on how to eat bee pollen if you suffer from a bee pollen allergy. This is because all bee pollen products naturally contain bee pollen and can cause severe reactions is such individual.

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